The shoe box is made to look like a take-out box. The shoe's colors resemble those found on a hamburger. 鞋盒看起来像外卖盒,鞋子的颜色也完全仿照汉堡的配色。
Look in this box. 看这个箱子里面。
And Jacob knew if there was any chance that it could be a baby, he had no choice but to look inside the box. 雅各布知道,如果那有可能是个孩子,他就别无选择只能把箱子打开了。
This kind of thinking is useful to help designers look outside the box. 这种思考方法有助于设计师跳出框架看问题。
I'm going to go look for the breaker box. 我去检查一下电源总闸。
The idea is to create an optical illusion to make it look like the box is empty. 男被访者这个创意是使人产生视觉幻觉,看起来这个盒子像是空的。
Look, there'a a box of matches right under your nose. 看,有一包火柴就在你的鼻尖下。
But to be able to look outside the box and view an issue through the eyes and lenses of another person, is a key exercise to analyze underlying interest and alternatives. 但是,能站在另一个角度,透过别人的眼睛看事情,是分析利益和观点的一个重要练习。
Look in the box. 看这个盒子里。
Click the look in box, and select user templates in the file system from the drop-down list. 单击“查找”框,然后从下拉列表中选择“文件系统中的用户模板”。
You must enter at least one folder or volume name to search in the look in box. 您必须至少指定一个要搜索的文件夹或卷。
Fathersaid to his son," look into the box and tell me what you see ". 父亲对儿子说:“朝箱子里面,然后告诉我你看到了什么”。
In the look in box, click the down arrow, and navigate to and select the file that you want to link to. 在“查找范围”框中,单击向下箭头,然后导航到要链接到的文件并选择它。
In the look in box, open the drive or folder that contains the project you want to open, and then double-click the project. 在“查找范围”框中,打开包含要打开的项目的驱动器或文件夹,再双击该项目。
In the publish form as dialog box, in the look in box, click personal forms library. 在“将窗体发布为”对话框的“查找”框中,单击“个人窗体库”。
Please look at this box here. 请看这里的这个盒子。
In the look in box, browse to a different server folder, if necessary. 在“查找范围”框中,浏览到其他服务器文件夹(如果需要)。
It is actually hard to draw the shoulders well, the human body should look like a box, but the shoulders extrude as ball shapes. 肩膀想要画得漂亮其实不是很容易的,本身人体应该是块板子,但肩头的部分则呈球状的突出。
One look at this jewellery box, the empress will think we have the real anastasia. 一看到这个珠宝盒,太后就会以为我们找到了真的安娜斯塔西娅。
They need to learn to be brave enough to realize their ideas and look outside the box. 他们应该学会勇于实践自己的想法,放开自己的眼光去更广阔的世界里。
In the look for box, click any type of outlook item. 在“查找”框中,单击“任何类型的outlook项目”。
To see the new face of the United states, go to a grocery store and look at a box of Betty crocker-brand food products. 要想看到美国的新面孔,只消到杂货店看看贝蒂。克罗克(bettycrocker)牌的食品包装盒就行了。
From the choose item version dialog box, in the look in box, you can browse to a different team project server folder. 在“选择项版本”对话框的“查找范围”框中,您可以浏览到其他服务器文件夹。
Outlook cannot search for the option you selected in the look for box. outlook无法按“查找”框中选定的选项进行搜索。
Now look in the picnic box. 现在看野餐盒里面。
You can use the look in drop-down list box to add, modify, or remove an FTP location. 可以使用“查找范围”下拉列表框添加、修改或移除ftp位置。
You look in this box and I look in that box. 你看这边的盒子,我看那边的盒子。
And so, if we look at our box notation, we've got three states in the p orbital. 因此,如果我们看看我们的盒子符号,在p轨道有三个状态。
In the choose item version dialog box, make sure that the look in list box contains the team project you are working on. 在“选择项版本”对话框中,确保“查找范围”列表框中包含您正在处理的团队项目。
Click a shortcut in the open dialog box, or in the look in box, click the drive or folder that contains the database that you want. 单击“打开”对话框中的快捷方式,或在“查找范围”框中单击包含所需数据库的驱动器或文件夹。